Monday, January 19, 2009

proper composition

A teacher asked her class to write about their family. This is what one student wrote:

I came from a very poor family since i was born. when i was young, my dad is a good-for-nothing and all he does is to count money day and night; and my mum too. After finish counting money, she has to sweep the floor or else it'll eb covered with money. I hate going shopping because my residence is deep in the mountains, and everytime i'll need to travel at least 5 hours on my Porsche, 4 hours on my Bentley. Although we've got a helicopter at home, but it's hard to find a parking lot for it in the city, thus it's very inconvenient for us to fly it out.

Sometimes, i'll go shopping alone too. My parents are really paranoid that i might get kidnapped, thus i'm always acompanied by more than 20 bodyguards whenever i go out. When everyone sees me they'll run away, leaving me with no friends...

It's really cold in the mountains during winter. My dad says that it's very inconvenient for us to actually have a heater in the house because we live so far away; thus my parents always burn money for heat. My mum will cover me with money whenever i sleep. (I think British pounds is thicker, thus providing better warmth)

When i was young, there was once, the room was too big, before i could run out of my room, i pee-ed in my pants. thus my parents got me a mini scooter, so as to allow me to get across my ten thousand acre room, 5 kilometres of corridors to reach my 800acre toilet. Dad also asked people to construct another 20 600-acre toilet. Dad also instructed me to tell him if the rooms are not enough. he's so kind.

There was once, a burglar broke in. The hail of coins in my dad's safe killed him when he tried to bomb it. Poor thing. sigh.

I think it's really painful to be killed by one whole hail of coins. The guy who got suffocated by the ambush of notes the other time suffered a better fate. sigh.

Mum also often tell me that we're leading a very hard life, and she tells me that we must learn how to take hardship. to be able to endure and persevere, with determination, i must find 200 money eating creatures to eat up the money at home, to avenge the burglars who was killed by our money!

done by,
B*** ZIR